
  • Title of the slide

    École et Mairie

  • Title of the slide

    Pont de Bussière

  • Title of the slide

    Cascade de la Rebeyrolle

  • Title of the slide

    Lavoir des planchettes et pont de Villedary

  • Title of the slide

    Eglise et croisement de la Rebeyrolle



Municipal card:

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.The municipal card is a simple town planning document, without regulations, suitable for small communities. It determines, while respecting the objectives of preserving agricultural and natural spaces and the economical use of land, the constructible and non-constructible sectors of the municipality.

The project foresees that most of the new urbanization will be concentrated on the town in order to consolidate its local facilities and services (school and town hall) and on the residential sector of Puy-Chaud which is already served by networks.

The documents that make up the municipal map project are available for consultation at the town hall, on the days and hours of normal opening to the public. A consultation book is also available to collect any contribution, opinion or special request.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

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